List out the Benefits of laser treatment for urinary incontinence

Benefits of laser treatment

List out the Benefits of laser treatment for urinary incontinence

You are probably on the lookout for a remedy if you have urine incontinence. When you have an option for a non-invasive treatment, will you deny it? To let you be aware, modern laser techniques can be used to treat urine incontinence. In this blog let’s discuss the benefits of laser treatment for urinary incontinence.

Laser treatment for urinary incontinence

Many people discover that they have urinary issues following childbirth or as a result of ageing naturally. As a result, individuals become self-conscious and experience unfavorable effects in their daily lives. Treatments could range from surgery to behavioral therapy. On the other hand, modern technological developments have completely changed the way incontinence is managed with FOTONA SMOOTH INCONTILASE

These therapies focus on bladder support-related issues. Moreover, it strengthens and revitalizes them, causing a notable decrease in or elimination of symptoms.

Benefits of laser treatment for urinary incontinence

This innovative new technique has a lot of advantages. Some of the benefits of laser treatment are as follows

No extra care required

Contrary to traditional surgery, receiving laser treatment does not require you to mentally prepare for pre- or post-operative care. Moreover, antibiotics or analgesics are not necessary for the treatment, either before or after the procedure.

Painless procedure

While every patient has different limits for pain, most women report that the laser treatment is almost painless.

No incisions required

This laser treatment has a shorter recovery period and does not require painkillers, antibiotics, incisions, bleeding, or stitches, unlike more invasive treatments.

Daycare procedure

Since the procedure is quick, you can quickly resume most usual activities, making it easy to fit into your busy day. For a maximum of 14 days, patients should refrain from lifting large objects and engaging in prolonged, continuous exercise.

Safe and effective treatment

With the help of the unique FotonaSMOOTH mode delivery and 2.94μm wavelength, a highly controlled and safe process can be carried out without any impact on essential structures, such as mucosal surface disturbance or penetration. This maintains the procedure’s gentleness and safety without sacrificing its efficacy.

Patient Satisfaction

Individuals can expect a certain amount of improvement in the majority of instances, which will reduce unintentional leakage and the need for pads. Moreover, up to eighteen months after therapy, the outcomes are stable.

Following this, they gradually start to disappear. Therefore, following the initial series of sessions, a maintenance treatment of one session per year is recommended to obtain long-lasting excellent outcomes.

To sum up

Therefore, after noticing the benefits of laser treatment for urinary incontinence, you may have a clear understanding of it. At Eva, we provide top-notch treatment with modern equipment to treat urinary incontinence.

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