Pregnancy stretch marks

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Pregnancy stretch marks

Pregnancy stretch marks

Stretch marks are quite common; according to estimates, up to 90% of people have them. Moreover, there is no health risk associated with stretch marks. Many women commonly have pregnancy stretch marks. Let’s look deep into the study of stretch marks in this blog.

What are stretch marks?

Stretch marks don’t cause any harm except that it is cosmetically disfiguring and can lead to stress, anxiety and depression. Stretch marks are a form of scarring that appears after your skin suddenly stretches or shrinks. Usually, it appears as bands of lines going across your skin. When your skin rapidly stretches or shrinks, the elastin and collagen in the skin break up.

Your skin’s ability to stretch is primarily determined by elastin. The fundamental function of collagen is to give your skin structure, strength, and support. As your skin heals, stretch marks appear in areas where there is elastin breakage. It can cause itching, irritation and discoloration. Stretch marks are harmless and they fade over time. Moreover, they can be classified into two types early and mature stretch marks.

What causes stretch marks?

Stretch marks are commonly seen in

  1. Pregnancy
  2. Weight gain and weight loss
  3. Bodybuilding and weightlifting
  4. Some medical conditions(Cushing’s syndrome and Marfan’s syndrome )

Where can you see stretch marks?      

Stretch marks are often seen on your

  1. Hips
  2. Thighs
  3. Breasts
  4. Buttocks
  5. Abdomen
  6. Lower back
  7. Upper arms

Anyone can get stretch marks and it is common. About 50% to 90% of pregnant mothers develop stretch marks.

Reason for pregnancy stretch marks

Predictors of stretch marks in pregnant women are

  1. Younger age
  2. Overdistended uterus
  3. Maternal and family history of stretch marks
  4. Increased Pre-pregnancy and pre-delivery weight.

When to consult your doctor?

Stretch marks occur naturally, and there is no need to be concerned about them. But if your stretch marks are very itchy, cover a larger area of skin or you would like to explore treatment options, then you can consult your obstetrician. In rare circumstances, stretch marks might point to an underlying medical condition that needs monitoring or treatment. In general, your obstetrician/cosmetic Gynaecologist will inquire about signs and symptoms, medicines being taken, and any pre-existing diseases before starting treatment for stretch marks.

To Conclude:

Although stretch marks don’t hurt, stretch marks can have an impact on your mental health. They may cause you to become self-conscious about your appearance which sometime will lead you to take treatment for stretch marks rather than medical conditions. Regardless of the cause whether pregnancy stretch marks or others, if you want to get treatment for stretch marks, go ahead and live a contented life.

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