the best ten home remedies for early ejaculation

the best ten home remedies for early ejaculation

the best ten home remedies for early ejaculation

Early ejaculation or premature ejaculation is a major concern for many men but it is treatable. Meanwhile, you might be surprised to hear that early ejaculation can be managed at home. Below is a listing of how to know the best ten home remedies for early ejaculation that you can use in the comfort of your home. Let’s get started and learn how to take back control of your personal life.

Home remedies for early ejaculation

Here are the best ten home remedies for early ejaculation. Meanwhile, consult with your doctor and get their helpful guidance before implementing this.

Increase your intake of magnesium and zinc

Green leafy veggies are a great source of magnesium and zinc, so have a regular intake of it. Zinc is a crucial mineral for immune system function, good cell growth, and the production of testosterone, which in certain situations can help delay premature ejaculation.

Topical gels and creams

A numbing ingredient in topical anesthetic creams can treat premature ejaculation by lessening sensation and postponing climax. For best results, apply the cream to your penis 10 to 15 minutes before having intercourse.

Lidocaine spray

Similar to topical treatments, lidocaine spray works by lessening hypersensitivity and desensitizing the penis to cure premature ejaculation. For optimal effects, try applying the spray fifteen minutes before having intercourse.


In general, condoms have the effect of lowering sensitivity and delaying ejaculation. However, there are over-the-counter climax control condoms that are either composed of a thicker latex material or have an integrated numbing agent to postpone climax.

Herbal remedies

Certain herbal remedies are believed to address early ejaculation. Additionally, erectile dysfunction has also been considered to be treated using herbal medicine.

Masturbate before intercourse

Your body finds it more difficult to orgasm rapidly after masturbating before intercourse. As a result, it eventually lengthens the period of time between climaxes and helps in managing early ejaculation.

Deep breathing technique

During sexual activity, take long, steady breaths to help relax your body and postpone ejaculation. In addition to lowering anxiety, deep breathing improves your ability to regulate your sexual response.

Have a healthy lifestyle

Your general sexual health can be enhanced by regular exercise, a nutritious diet, and enough sleep. Additionally, refrain from excessive alcohol consumption, drug use, and smoking as these behaviors can hinder your sexual performance.

Other techniques

Stop-start, squeeze and pelvic floor exercise (Kegel exercise) techniques may also help you overcome premature ejaculation.

Discuss your issues with your partner

Speak to your partner openly about your worries.Your relationship can become moreintimate and strong by communicating your feelings and cooperating with them to find solutions.

To conclude

Thus, following proper doctor’s guidance and with the best ten home remedies for early ejaculation you can knock out this condition effectively. Furthermore, you never have to travel alone while working with us. Trust us, we always provide you with a brighter side of your life.

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